146 Cunningham Lane, Clarksville, TN, 37042
931-503-3409 (fax)
Regular Day: 7:20 AM to 2:15 PM
"Every child deserves a champion-an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be" ~Rita Pierson
Counseling Services
Peer Mediation
Peer mediation is problem solving by youth with youth. It is a process by which two or more students involved in a dispute meet in a private, safe and confidential setting to work out problems with the assistance of the school counselor.
Individual Counseling
Middle school counselors are available to meet individually with a student in circumstances when a student's educational success is being impacted. The school counselor spends time working with individual students to improve their social skills, discuss feelings, and provide them with the skills necessary for problem solving.
Small Group Counseling
The purpose of small group counseling is to complement and enhance student learning by improving their perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors. Small group counseling provides a safe setting where children, along with their peers, can increase their self awareness and improve their cooperation and communication skills.
Large Group Instruction
Classroom guidance lessons can be part of the middle school counseling program. One of the most effective ways for school counselors to help prevent academic problems is by addressing issues such as peer relationships, stress, as well as learning ways to deal with one's feelings and emotions.